
EITA – CSR videos compilation

Recycling in Office – For a better tomorrow

TransSystem Continental Sdn Bhd completed a school CSR project for SK Ulu Segan Bintulu in Sarawak

TransSystem Continental Sdn Bhd (TSC) as part of their contractual obligation with Sarawak Energy Bhd completed a school CSR project for SK Ulu Segan Bintulu in Sarawak. On 13 July 2020, an “Opening” Ceremony was held to celebrate the completion of this project.

EITA – Group-wide recycling

Since 2016, EITA has embarked on a Group-wide Recycling Campaign with two key objectives. The first objective being to cultivate a recycling mind-set amongst the staff, that each and every one of us play a part in preserving the earth for future generations.The second objective is linked to community inclusiveness. We work closely with a charity foundation who collects our recyclables and in turn use the funds for various social projects such as protecting the environment, building schools, flood and earthquake disaster reliefs, provision of medical aids and others.

EITA – Eating Healthy

One of the greatest contributors to green-house gases that causes global warming is methane output from animal farming. EITA advocates healthier lifestyle by cutting down on meat consumption and eating more vegetable. EITA sponsors vegetarian monthly luncheon with presentations to reinforce wellness towards a healthy, productive and fulfilling life. Taking it to another level. For EITA Annual Dinner and events held by EITA, it is now a vegetarian feast for all guests and staff.

Acknowledgement from Master Cheng Yen (Tzu Chi)

Master Cheng Yen from Tzu Chi acknowledging EITA’s commendable efforts in caring for Mother Earth through their recycling initiatives and encouraging staff to more healthily.

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