With Monodruaght Sunpipe technology, we provide total engineering solution, harvesting natural sunlight to illuminate your homes, offices, factories and warehouses at zero energy consumptions.
– Zero energy day lighting
– 10 years product warranty
– Contribute to GBI points
– Zero maintenance
Monodraught Sunpipe
The SUNPIPE natural daylight system directs sunlight into a room from roof level. Here, the SUNPIPE collects daylight using a patented Diamond dome, then it uses a silverised mirror-finished aluminium tube to transfer light to a room, and finally a ceiling diffuser evenly distributes the light around the room. SUNPIPES are suited to almost any application, and have been installed anywhere from residential bedrooms to the Olympic Handball Arena in London.
Integral Electric Lighting Kit: Includes a 50 W extra low voltage Halogen light fitting and transformer to provide light outside of daylight hours
Satin, Chrome or Bronze Ceiling Trim: SUNPIPEs are supplied with white ABS trim as standard but can be available in different finishes to suit their décor
Square ceiling diffuser: The SUNPIPE natural daylight systems can terminate in either a standard circular diffuser or an optional square diffuser for suspended ceilings