The Edge Markets – EITA Unit Bags RM56.3 Mil Substation Rehabilitation Job From TNB
Disclaimer: EITA makes no warranties or representations of any kind as to the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of any information contained in this article. The inclusion of this article does not imply any form of endorsement by EITA. Any facts, views, advice, analyses and recommendations expressed by any individual or organisation are those of the […]
EITA Sports Club Futsal Tournament 2023
On 25 November 2023, the EITA Sports Club organized the highly anticipated Futsal Tournament 2023 held at Sportizza, Petaling Jaya. Registration opened weeks in advance, inviting all staff to form teams. Each team, comprising 8 players, contributed to the spirited competition, resulting in a total of 8 teams vying for victory.The highpoint of the tournament […]
EITA Sports Club Baking Class 2023
On 18 November 2023, the EITA Sports Club orchestrated a delightful Baking Class at Bilik Seminar Surau Raudhah Al Muttaqink, Shah Alam, exclusively for EITA staff. The registration, open for weeks in advance, drew the participation of 30 individuals eager to engage in this unique culinary experience.The participants were divided into teams, each entrusted with […]
EITA Elevator First Aid & CPR Training
Fu Wing Hoong Gallery Unveiled at Bukit Raja
On October 24, 2023, EITA introduced the Fu Wing Hoong Gallery at Bukit Raja, marking the one-year anniversary of the founder’s passing. Mr. Fu’s immediate family graced the event. During the opening ceremony, EITA’s Managing Director, Mr. JS Lim, who had been friends with Mr. Fu since their college days, expressed, “Even though he is […]